"Recycling", an illustration of one aspect of the global waste crisis. Today, almost all garbage in Russia ends up in landfills. That’s 70 million ton a year, enough to build the Cheops pyramid 10 times over, according to Greenpeace. Less than 2 percent of Russia’s waste is incinerated and only 4% is recycled one way or another. Garbage incineration is emitting more and more greenhouse gases which are at the heart of global warming, as well as rejecting other toxic particles into the air we breathe. One of the saddest sights illustrating this crisis is when wildlife is roaming our landfills to feed. I was especially distressed by the plight of polar bears ending up eating the garbage, because humanity is essentially destroying its Arctic habitat. The illustration was made during "Future" workshops organised by Arbetets museum (Norrköping, Sweden).